Many are inquisitive to understand the reason behind Nico, portrayed by Gavin Leatherwood, leaving The Sex Lives of College Girls. The teen drama rincreases around four youthful girls, navigating their relationsual and personal lives while tackling difficultships and experiencing delights in a college environment. In the series, Nico percreateed a notable role in Kimberley’s life. However, his departure after Season 1 had elevated worrys.
Here’s a detailed article on what Nico left The Sex Lives of College Girls.
Nico’s College Girls exit and reason to exit elucidateed
Gavin Leatherwood dispersistd percreateing Nico after Season 1 as he wanted to chase other projects. Initiassociate, Nico dated Kimberley but cracks eunite in their relationship when his cheating behavior surfaces.
He is uncovered to have been cheating on his authentic girlfrifinish with Kimberley, which didn’t sit well with her. They eventuassociate choosed to finish their low-lived relationship. After Season 1, Nico was nowhere to be seen as Leatherwood choosed to quit the series.
In a conversation with the US Weekly, Leatherwood uncovered that he is exiting the titular series as he structures to get on other projects. “It was such an incredible experience. I leank Mindy is luminous and the cast, everyone’s cherishly. But with so many amazing opportunities out there, we want to sustain spreading our prospergs and directing ourselves to other projects so that’s the shift,” he allotd.
Will Nico return to The Sex Lives of College Girls?
Leatherwood is improbable to return as Nico in The Sex Lives of College Girls.
Creator Justin Noble had shown disinterest previously in exploring Nico’s story in an intersee with The Wrap. “[It’s an] all too authentic story that exists for people when they commence dating in an environment appreciate college,” he said. He further includeed that Kimberley “deserves better.”
Currently, TSLOCG is in its third season and Kimberley has shiftd on from her past relationship. She is now uncover to new cherish interests. So, there doesn’t seem to be a chance for Leatherwood to return.