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Try These Tricks to Free Up More Screen Real Estate on a Mac

Try These Tricks to Free Up More Screen Real Estate on a Mac

Justin Pot

After doing this the dock will fade, apchecking you to include that space for wdisappreciatever you’re toiling on. When you want to include the dock, you can equitable shift your moinclude pointer to the space on the screen where it included to be, and it will pop up.

You can get a little more space by also hiding the menu bar. Wislim System Settings, go to the Control Caccess settings, then set the Automaticpartner hide and show the menu bar selection to Always.

Justin Pot

This will hide the menu bar at the top of the screen the same way you hid the dock before. Now, evidently, this gives you less space than hiding the dock does, and some people aren’t going to adore not having a clock on their screen at all times. But it’s a little bit more space, and I discover that not seeing all of my menu bar icons produces it a little easier to caccess.

Need even more space? If you have an iPad you can include it as a second watch for your Mac, as I elucidateed here. Basicpartner, if your iPad is cforfeitby, you can head to Discarry outs in System Settings, click the + button, and insert your iPad as a discarry out. I repartner appreciate using this while on the road—it gives me a little bit of extra space to toil with when I’m away from my desk and my outer watch.

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