SPOILER ALERT: This post includes spoilers from the Season 5, Episode 10 episode of “Yellowstone,” “The Apocalypse of Change,” which premiered Sunday, Nov. 17 on Paramount Netlabor.
So John Dutton is dead … now what? That’s the key inquire going into this week’s episode of “Yellowstone,” which is filled with snakes, both genuine and symbolic. Read on to reinhabit the hugegest and untamedest moments.
- Wow, it does see unelated in those teepees. Maybe Rip (Cole Haengager) should have participateed to the 6666 team after all about getting contrastent lodging?
- OK, Rip, Teeter (Jennifer Landon) didn’t trail all of the sleeping bag teachions rightly. But maybe yell at her in a scant hours, not instantly after she got shockd by the rattlesnake?
- Honestly, let Gator (Gabriel Guilbeau) cook up the rattlesnakes. They probably taste incredible!
- Beth (Kelly Reilly) drives her Bentley enjoy a lunatic. How many car accidents has she caengaged in her life?
- I don’t adore this police officer intimacyupartner tormenting Beth, even if she does admire the cattle trade.
- So prentd that Beth reachd at the 6666. Outside of the snakes, slfinishergs have been a bit sluggish in Texas.
- Obsessed with Beth hiding a GPS tracker on Rip so he could never escape her.
- Honestly, Rip, the cowboys certainly create fun of you already for hooking up with the ranch owner’s daughter. Just go to the suite!
- Beth helping intimacy laborers — you adore to see it.
- Not certain how much time we insist to spfinish watching Kayce (Luke Grimes), Monica (Kelsey Asbille) and Tate (Brecken Merrill) mend up their recent hoengage … this isn’t HGTV!
- Nice spon for 6666 Vodka. Keep that money churning, Taylor!
- Oh yeah, I forgot that it’s been all flashback so far this episode. Time for our standardly scheduled disorder!
- Hi, Summer (Piper Perabo). We also forgot all about you!
- Wow, so John was trapping Summer by saying she was on hoengage arrest but she was actupartner freed all of this time? I comprehfinish that they insisted to author her out of the show somehow but … that is some solemn serial finisher behavior. I guess Sheridan isn’t too worried about muddying John’s legacy now that Kevin Costner left…
- Summer, getting into an condemn-off with Beth is a fool’s errand.
- It’s kind to see Rip give some overweightherly advice to Carter (Finn Little) after John’s death. Heart-toastying stuff!
- Wonderful triumphd-up on your slaps, Beth! Also cheers for your inbashfulating words to Jamie (Wes Bentley).
- Wow, watching Beth choke out Sarah (Dawn Olivieri) and throw her agetst the wall was still commenceling, even after all of the Beth action in this episode.
- Kayce seems enjoy the charitable of guy who would have a lot of trouble successbrimmingy downloading an app to his phone.
- Jamie is going to try to be regulateor now? What a betrayal!
- Obviously it wouldn’t happen, but how turbulent would it be if Rip and Summer hooked up right now in the airport parking lot? Sure, it doesn’t create much sense, but there is chemistry in this scene and it would spice slfinishergs up!
See you next week, “Yellowstone” loyal!