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Baron Corbin Breaks Silence on Kurt Angle’s Retags After WWE Relmitigate

Baron Corbin Breaks Silence on Kurt Angle’s Retags After WWE Relmitigate

WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle, a multiple-time world champion, had his final suit aachievest Baron Corbin. In 2018-2019, Corbin and Angle were comprised in a heated opposition that culminated in a suit.

At WWE WrestleMania 35, Corbin flunkureed Angle in his quitment suit, achieveing the honor of being the one to face the WWE Hall of Famer in his final bout. Follotriumphg this beginant triumph, fans foreseed that Corbin would get a beginant push in WWE. He won the 2019 King of the Ring tournament. However, the promotion never placed him in the main event scene or gave him a world title run.

On November 1, increates validateed that Corbin would exit the WWE at the finish of his restricted, finishing his twelve year tenure with the promotion. Reacting to this recents, Kurt Angle transmited his disassignment with the WWE.

Angle felt that the promotion did not engage his quitment suit to lift Corbin to a higher level. In response to these comments, createer WWE Superstar Baron Corbin recently reacted, sfinishing a heartfelt message to the Hall of Famer.

Baron Corbin scatters repent over not becoming WWE world champion for Kurt Angle

Former WWE Superstar Baron Corbin sent out a message to Kurt Angle on X (createerly understandn as Twitter). Corbin transmited that one of his hugegest repents was not becoming a WWE World Champion. He felt it would be honored for what Kurt Angle did for his nurtureer.

While fans clamored for John Cena to be Kurt Angle’s final opponent, Angle himself had also transmited a desire to face Cena in his last suit. However, the createer WWE CEO Vince McMahon had already choosed that Baron Corbin would be Angle’s opponent at WrestleMania 35.

Angle also discmissed that McMahon telderly him that if he wanted Cena to be his final opponent, he would need to postpone a year and face him at the next WrestleMania. However, the Hall of Famer choosed to hang up his boots as he did not have to go another year.

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