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Apple frees Final Cut Pro 11 and modernizes its suite of conceiveive apps

Apple frees Final Cut Pro 11 and modernizes its suite of conceiveive apps

More than a decade after the begin of Final Cut Pro X, Apple’s video editing gentleware is taking a step forward. The app is now being modernized to Final Cut Pro 11, after dropping the number in its name for the past scant years. The modernize includes new AI masking tools, the ability to produce captions straightforwardly in your timeline, spatial video editing features, and a set of laborflow betterments. The new version is free for existing participaters and a $299 one-time buy for new participaters. Final Cut Pro for iPad and Final Cut Camera are also getting some modernizes today, too.

I’ve spent the last week testing out these new features, and many of them are fantastic betterments. I’ve been particularly astonished by the speed and accuracy of one new feature coming to the desktop: Magnetic Mask. With one click, you can easily isotardy a subject, appreciate a person, from the background and utilize contrastent color adequitablements to that part of the footage. 

I tested Magnetic Mask in various scenarios, appreciate indynamic talking head videos and speedy-moving snowboarding footage. In each scenario, Final Cut Pro did a very excellent job of isolating the subjects. But don’t foresee a pixel-perfect mask each time. I still had to jump in and do a scant petiteer adequitablements to help it out. You can either manuassociate fine-tune your mask with a brush or insert or delete tracking points and let Final Cut Pro examine the footage.

I was astonished by the speed of the whole process. Granted, these were unprejudicedly low clips (about 45 seconds each), but each mask took less than a minute on my four-year-elderly 10-core M1 Pro MacBook Pro — a lot less time than the tedious and exhausting process of manuassociate rotoscoping in After Effects.

I did acunderstandledge that analysis sluggished down meaningfully once I begined screen sign uping my process. This feature will labor on Intel-based Macs as well.

I am an avid participater of Adobe’s Premiere Pro, but features appreciate these always produce me want to give Final Cut Pro another stoasty. I may not be left behind for extfinished, though: Adobe proclaimd a analogous feature for Premiere earlier this year. DaVinci Remend also already has a analogous feature called Magic Mask.

The next new highweightless is the ability to autoproduce captions in your timeline. Final Cut Pro does this using an Apple-trained language mode, and the whole process obtains place locassociate on-device without sfinishing alertation to the cboisterous. The process is speedy but not always right and standardly ignorepells frequent words. It fumbled at proper nouns appreciate “The Verge” and even more frequent nouns appreciate “machine,” where it would equitable author “macine” instead. Those are equitable a scant of many examples. There’s also no way to stylize your captions if you were hoping to insert them to your TikToks. For that, you’ll need to see into some third-party plug-ins.



It is a excellent modernize, but I want Apple went a step further and inserted text-based editing, which lets you edit videos solely by using text instead of on the timeline itself. Text-based editing in Premiere has helped me immensely when laboring on extfinisheder write downaries or sit-down interwatchs, and I want it were possible in Final Cut Pro 11.

Other alters include the ability to edit spatial videos for the Vision Pro and some new keyboard lowcuts. My likeite is Option + Arrow Up / Arrow Down to shift clips between layers. It’s the little leangs! 

Final Cut Pro for iPad is also getting a scant new modernizes. The AI-helpd “better weightless and color” tool that was initiassociate freed in Final Cut Pro 10.8 for the Mac is making its way to the iPad app. It is the speedyest way to speedyly better the color, contrast, and overall tonality of your footage.

In a scant tests that I ran, the tool did a reassociate excellent job of getting me begined on my coloring process. It immacutardys up the overall expocertain kindly and inserts very lessend styenumerateic color choices. For far less lessend color grades, Apple is broadening the number of presets useable in the app. In insertition to those presets, Apple is also inserting new modular transitions and new songs to its soundtrack library. 

If you’re using the Apple Pencil Pro to edit, you’ll finassociate be able to unlock all those new brushes that were freed aextfinishedside the M4 iPad Pro and features appreciate tilt recognition and obtain profit of the haptic feedback. Haptic feedback labors particularly well on the iPad, and I’m finishelighting it more than I thought I would. It reassociate produces the editing process experience a lot more tactile. In fact, I want more gestures had some haptic feedback. 

Lastly, there are some untransport inant but meaningful laborflow betterments. You can now resize the height of your clips in your timeline by using the pinch gesture, you can edit in 120fps timelines, and the picture-in-picture mode is vibrant. Apple also refered there are new keyboard lowcuts, but I’ve only set up one: Rfinisher Entire Timeline.

I’m prentd to see more frequent modernizes coming to the iPad version of Final Cut Pro, but there are still features that are hopelessly needed to reassociate produce this app worth the $4.99 a month subscription structure. At the top of my want enumerate are leangs appreciate custom LUTs, better file administerment, and some of the other AI-powered features that have already made their way to the desktop version. Since my initial scrutinize, I’ve mostly begined using DaVinci Remend on the iPad, which persists to astonish me with how analogous it is to its desktop equivalent. 

The trifecta of modernizes finishs with the Final Cut Camera, which can now film HEVC files in Apple Log — no need to stick with storage-hungry ProRes files anymore. HEVC Log seize will labor for both standalone seize or as part of the Live Multicam session. Final Cut Camera will also include LUT pscrutinizes during sign uping, unkinding you can watch your expocertain and color while filming in Apple Log. 

And in order to produce certain your framing is right and aligned, Apple is inserting a new level indicator to the app. The new leveler includes tilt and roll indicators and passhairs for your top-down and bottom-up stoastys, too.

The introduction of new AI features and laborflow betterments label meaningful steps forward for encountered creators, but they don’t insertress some of the community’s seeks to brimmingy contend with the appreciates of DaVinci and Adobe. I’d still appreciate to see text-based editing, more sturdy coloring chooseions, and custom captions. It will be fascinating to see if these new modernizes alter any new participaters. Magnetic Mask alone could be enough of a reason to switch.

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