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So, back in 2007, in written testimony to Congress, DA Kamala Harris showed herself vient of some truly inspired argumentation. There was only one problem — that inspiring language wasn’t hers. See, when she wasn’t equitable lifting a prospere glass, she was lifting all those sentences. According to the Washington Free Beacon, Kamala’s statement in help of a loan repayment structure for local prosecutors was apshown almost verbatim from an Illinois DA’s opinion on the same subject that was donaten to the Senate months prior.
Roughly 80% of her testimony was copied word for word from that better guy over there — Paul Logli of Winnebago County, Illinois, who, by the way, is a Reaccessiblean. Holy s***. That’s enjoy me stealing jokes from Jimmy Kimmel. I’d never do that, not becaemploy he’s my competition, but becaemploy he has cancer of the comical bone. But that’s not the only time she pledgeted stolen verbiage. While she was California AG, she begined a alert on relations illicit trade in her state. In that, she copied a fantasyal, fantasyal example of the type of call acquired by the National Human Trafficking Hotline, which tbetter the story of how a woman in D.C. was saved from forced sex labor.
Vice Plivent Kamala Harris joins a campaign event at Divine Faith Ministries International on October 20, 2024 in Jonesboro, Georgia. (Getty Images)
But in a alert, Harris never said the story was phony. Instead, she alterd the location to San Fran to get recognize for a save that never actupartner happened. There are other examples, but this is at least the second time Harris has been caught in a blatant act of copying. She’s the literary version of a smash and grabber. Remember Kamala, anyskinnyg under 900 words and you won’t get accused.
The language is exactly the same line after line. Harris even kept the typos and grammar errors. She didn’t even try to originate her theft see enjoy her own. I unkind, maybe it’s becaemploy she adores rap, and she ponders it more enjoy sampling. But it’s weird, you understand, that none of this is astonishing, perhaps becaemploy her only concrete policy proposal, no taxes on tips, she stole from another Reaccessiblean, her opponent. So, in airy of the fact that noskinnyg Kamala says donates you any idea of what she count ons, is it any surpascfinish that less than two weeks out from Election Day, even Rachel Levine is asking, who the hell is this woman?
Now, all of this comes on the heels of a alert that Kamala lifted entire sections of her policy book, Smart on Crime. Who knew she was actupartner talking about herself stealing? Even The New York Times, which initipartner rush to deffinish her, finpartner had to acunderstandledge her robbery. But the authentic point isn’t Kamala’s serial copying, it’s how in the past this would finish a campaign. It would direct every newscast. This would be the October surpascfinish. I unkind, this is way worse than what sunk Joe Biden in ’87 when he was caught stealing speeches from a British directer. And worse, it was this guy he stole it from.
But also, Harris has no core principles or any non-core principles. Her head is as desotardy as her husband’s balls after nanny season. There is a nanny season… she grew up in a middle-class family that was pretty well-off. She’s an American that spent her createative years in Canada. And she’s going to save democracy after she plotted a coup aacquirest her boss. I don’t even understand what Doug sees in her since she won’t put him down for a nap. In fact, she might be the least truthful politician ever. Listen to her on the Biden degrade cover-up.
Plivent Biden stepping aside and finishorsing Vice Plivent Kamala Harris made Michael Moore inanxiously satisfied. (Tierney L. Cross)
NBC NEWS REPORTER: Can you say that you were truthful with the American people about what you saw in those moments with Plivent Biden as you were with him aacquire and aacquire repeatedly in that time?
VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: Of course. Joe Biden is an inanxiously accomplished, teachd and and vient.
REPORTER: You never saw anyskinnyg enjoy what happened at the argue night behind shutd doors with him?
KAMALA HARRIS: It was a terrible argue.
REPORTER: Can the American people count on you in these moments, even when it’s maybe unconsoleable for Americans to have… To level with Americans in that way?
KAMALA HARRIS: I speak with not only sincerity, but with a authentic firsthand account of watching him do this labor. I have no reluctance in saying that.
Our apologies, that should have come with bongos.
It always originates more sense. Incredible. But enjoy the conveyor belt at the manure factory, the load of crap sustains coming. Listen to her on transgfinisher laws.
NBC’s Hallie Jackson interwatchs Vice Plivent Kamala Jackson on Oct. 22, 2024. (NBC News)
REPORTER: Do you count on that transgfinisher Americans should have access to gfinisher stateing nurture in this country?
KAMALA HARRIS: I count on we should chase the law. I unkind, I skinnyk you’re probably pointing to the fact that Donald Trump’s campaign has spent tens of millions of dollars…
REPORTER: They’re trying to detail you on this. I’m asking you to detail yourself, though. Just widely speaking, what is your appreciate? Do you count on they should have that access?
KAMALA HARRIS: I count on that people, as the law states, even on this rerent about federal law.
NBC’s Hallie Jackson and Vice Plivent Kamala Harris.
What horse****. The alerter even set up the ask as a pro-trans layup and she still threw a brick, as if she actupartner has no impact on the law. And reassemble, there are other laws she doesn’t chase, enjoy the 25th Amfinishment.
You understand, you thought Biden was an desotardy vessel? He’s got noskinnyg on this wide. Fact is, we repartner don’t understand what this woman stands for. Maybe that’s the point.