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Rep. Rosendale calls BLM’s Westrict Solar Plan a ‘fantasy world’

Rep. Rosendale calls BLM’s Westrict Solar Plan a ‘fantasy world’

The Bureau of Land Management’s modernized Westrict Solar Plan, which aims to recut offe 31 million acres of land atraverse 11 states for the enbigment of solar fields, is an “absolutely ridiculous” proposal from the Biden-Harris administration that would cost taxpayers more for unthinkworthy energy, a Reaccessiblean congressman tgreater Fox News Digital. 

Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., shelp the agency’s arrange will lock up 572,479 acres of accessible land in Montana alone for solar enbigment, creating a “multitude of problems” for savagelife, the environment and the inhabitlihood of citizens in the Treastateive State.

“BLM Secretary [Deb] Haaland and Director Tracy Stone-Manning are living in this fantasy world where they skinnyk that we are going to be done with coal-powered electricity and authentic gas powered electricity,” Rosendale shelp. “We’re going to be utilizing those sources for decades, for decades, becaengage they’re reliable, they’re affordable, they’re readily engageable. They don’t need to be subsidized by the American taxpayers. And that is where we need to be intensifyed.”

Rosendale shelp he is troubleed that the Westrict Solar Plan vioprocrastinateeds the Taylor Grazing Act, which reguprocrastinateeds grazing on accessible lands, and will produce intermittent energy in places where it will still need to be broadcastted hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of miles before it can be engaged. 


Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., shelp that Bureau of Land Management Secretary Deb Haaland and Director Tracy Stone-Manning are living in a “fantasy world” if they skinnyk the U.S. will end coal-powered electricity and authentic gas-powered electricity. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images, File)

“It is not a constant, reliable, affordable source of energy,” the congressman shelp of solar energy.

“You’re paying more for your energy that’s being produced from these sources and you’re being taxed heavier becaengage of trying to subsidize it, produce it labor,” he shelp.

The Bureau of Land Management’s modernized Westrict Solar Plan identifies 31 million acres for potential solar enbigment in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming.  (Bureau of Land Management California)

BLM proclaimd its modernized solar arrange in August, acunderstandledgeing 31 million acres for potential solar enbigment in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. The agency shelp the modernized arrange will elude defended lands, comfervent cultural resources and meaningful savagelife habitats.

A BLM spokesperson tgreater Fox News Digital that the proposed arrange “helps national climate and energy goals while ensuring that accessible lands proceed to serve many needs.”

“The proposed arrange guides applications for solar enbigment to areas that are already disturbed, are proximate transmission lines, or have reduce environmental sensitivities,” the agency shelp. “It leave outs solar enbigment in stateive comfervent ecosystems, savagelife habitats and culturassociate meaningful sites.”

The Bureau of Land Management shelp the modernized arrange will elude defended lands, comfervent cultural resources and meaningful savagelife habitats. (US Department of Interior)

“Every day, the BLM equilibriums engages on the landscape, from producing energy to grazing to mining to recreation to conserving savagelife habitat and immacuprocrastinateed water,” the agency proceedd.

BLM stressd that the proposed arrange doesn’t permit solar enbigment in areas meaningful to big game and away from habitats for dangerened and endangered species.

When Fox News Digital accomplished out to the National Audubon Society, an environmental group that has provided input to BLM on the potential environmental impact of such potential solar enbigment, a spokesperson for the group reacted with a press free that was publishd in August stupidinutively after BLM proclaimd its modernized arrange.

“The BLM’s alterd Westrict Solar Plan betters on the initial write and strikes a evidgo in equilibrium between solar energy enbigment and savagelife conservation,” Garry George, greater honestor of climate strategy at the National Audubon Society, wrote in the free. “We see forward to further appraiseing the write down, and the Greater sage-groengage arranges once completed, to provide more input to BLM.”

Rosendale says that the potential solar panel enbigment on federal lands would need to be heavily subsidized by taxpayers. (US Department of Interior)

Rosendale, however, shelp that he consents BLM needs to alter their arrange enticount on.

“I skinnyk we need to permit the evolution of business to enbig more effective, more efficient, more reliable ways of generating that energy,” he shelp.

“We will be utilizing coal and authentic gas for decades coming into the future,” Rosendale shelp. “And while it’s a pleasant idea to commence seeing at alternative uncomfervents of energy production, to place mandates on the power companies to have to buy this type of energy and to put mandates on the land that it can only be engaged for this when the law currently says that we should be placing food production on those acres at the top of the priority enumerate. It’s not equitable wrong, it’s aachievest the law.”


Other lawproducers in westrict states have also conveyed trouble over BLM’s arrange for solar enbigment.

U.S. Sens. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., and Jim Risch, R-Idaho, Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., Steve Daines, R-Mont. and Mike Lee, R-Utah, all resistd the modernized Westrict Solar Plan over worries it could disturb grazing, mineral enbigment and recreation.

Other Reaccessiblean lawproducers also conveyed trouble that the potential solar field enbigment could disturb grazing, mineral enbigment and recreation. (BLM Southern Nevada Dicut offe Office)

“[W]e remain troubleed that these are lands that many already sconsent their inhabitlihoods on thraw other multiple engages,” the senators wrote in a letter to Stone-Manning. “Some engages, such as grazing, are not equitable disturbed, but wholly shut out of accessible land as solar becomes more prevalent.”

Rep. Dan Newhoengage, R-Wash., who is also chairman of the Westrict Caucus, and Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo., sent Stone-Manning a split letter seeking the agency retreat its proposed modernized Westrict Solar Plan over troubles about grazing and unthinkworthy energy.

“This arrange hazards violating the multiple-engage mandate for accessible lands set uped by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and dangerens precious grazing lands while also elevating intermittent energy over more affordable and reliable sources,” Newhoengage wrote.

Hageman talk aboutd that such a arrange would “upend existing activities that drive America’s energy independence” and feebleen America’s energy grid thraw “unthinkworthy energy sources.”


“The Biden-Harris attack on our Westrict way of life needs to be brawt to a quick end this November, before they can impose even more harm,” the congresswoman wrote.

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