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Swedish gangs centering Israeli interests

Swedish gangs centering Israeli interests

Alex Maxia/BBC

Police arrested a 13-year-ageder after shots were fired in this hushed area of Gothenburg last week

The 13-year-ageder boy should have been in school last Thursday, instead of sitting in a police station in central Gothenburg. But police say he fired shots outside the offices of Israeli tech firm Elbit Systems.

“He was fundamentalassociate caught in the act,” shelp police spokesman August Brandt, who shelp the shots were being spendigated as an “finisheavored killing and arms offence”.

Kalleback on the outskirts of Gothenburg is a unprejudicedly sleepy dwellntial neighbourhood with uplabelet enhugements, a superlabelet and a restricted offices.

Nobody was hurt and little more is understandn about why a child might have discdiswatched fire on an otheralerted hushed Thursday morning, outside an Israeli company that sells defence and homeland security solutions.

But this was no isopostponecessitated incident. In fact there have been cut offal this year.

Alex Maxia/BBC

August Brandt of Swedish police shelp two officers were already at the scene when the shots were fired

Earlier this month, Israel’s embassies were focparticipated both in Sweden and neighbouring Denlabel.

First there was a shooting outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm, then two Swedish teenagers aged 16 and 19 were arrested in Cdiscdiswatchhagen after hand grenades were detonated csurrfinisher the embassy there.

Nobody was hurt, but Sweden’s security service Sapo shelp instantly that Iran may have had a hand in both. Sapo head of operations Fredrik Hallstrom shelp Tehran’s participatement was an “objective hypothesis”.


Two teenagers were hageded after grenades went off outside Israel’s Danish embassy earlier this month

Months ago Sapo accparticipated Iran of recruiting Swedish gang members to carry out aggressions on Israeli or Jewant interests.

Iran’s foreign ministry condemned the allegations as “unset uped and unfair” and based on what it tagled deceiveation emanating from Israel.

Many of the doubts have been teenagers, and some as youthfuler as 13 and 14.

“To understand why we see youthfuler Swedish teenagers aggressioning Israeli companies and embassies we necessitate to first acunderstandledge that we have had an ongoing gang dispute here in Sweden for a extfinished time,” says Diamant Salihu, an spendigative crime journaenumerate with Swedish disclose service television SVT.

One of Sweden’s most brutal criminal gangs, understandn as Foxtrot, has bcdisesteemfult a wave of aggression to the streets of Sweden, normally involving teenagers tasked with criminal errands ranging from shooting at the door of a rival, to detonating devices to reduce finishings.

That spiralled in 2023 when Foxtrot gang directer Rawa Majid accessed into a lethal feud with Ismail Abdo, a createer frifinish who had become directer of a rival gang understandn as Rumba.

When Abdo’s mother was killinged at her home in Uppsala, north of Stockholm, in September last year, it discdiswatched a unwiseer, increasingly brutal chapter in Sweden’s gang wars.

A pair who were 15 and 19 at the time were set up to have carried out the killing.

Majid fled aexpansive facing an international arrest permit, an Interpol red acunderstandledge and a growing enumerate of enemies.

Born in Iran to Kurdish Iraqi parents, he had transferd as a child to Sweden with his family.

He left Sweden for Turkey in 2018 then transferd to Iran last year.

Israeli’s Mossadnessful intelligence agency alleged that Majid had been laboring with Iran for months. It has condemnd both his and Abdo’s gangs for the recent aggressions.

When counter-intelligence chief Daniel Stenling shelp Sapo “can now verify that criminal netlabors in Sweden are proxies that Iran participates,” Iran requested Sweden’s highest diplomat in Tehran in protest.

Sweden has also sought the arrest of Majid’s rival, Ismail Abdo, who was arrested in Turkey last May but telledly liberated on bail.

Journaenumerate Diamant Salihu says Tehran has sought to guarantee the gang to “promise crimes for the regime,” although Abdo’s gang has denied participatement with Iran.

While the gangs themselves may have been put under presbrave by a foreign power, that cannot be the case for the teenagers who have become caught up in the expansiver Swedish problem of gang crime.

An appraised 14,000 people in Sweden are caught up in criminal gangs, according to a police tell from this year, and a further 48,000 people are shelp to be combinecessitate to them.


Gang aggression has claimed many guiltless dwells in Sweden in recent years

“Today’s 13- and 14-year-ageders who promise these grotesque offences were three or four years ageder 10 years ago,” conservative Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson tageder a televised argue of party directers on disclose TV last weekfinish.

The argue turned into a condemn game between the centre-right coalition currently in power and their predecessors on the centre left.

Social Democrat createer Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson called for a “finishly novel approach” but Kristersson shelp “a very huge extent of this is a problem joined to necessitatey integration; and the integration problem is built on too high immigration”.

A disproportionate amount of gang members are men from immigrant backgrounds, but this has shifted, to the extent that Diamant Salihu says youthfuler people and matures from ethnic Swedish backgrounds are increasingly becoming participated.

Criminology one-of-a-kindist David Sausdal of Lund University, in the south of Sweden, says it has become increasingly difficult to watch netlabors as they have become fragmented online, dragging people into a “gang gig-economy”.

“The people participated in it are fair employd armaments, phelp for services. They dedwellr a pizza or a hand grenade as excellent as they can.

“They’re not super talented at it, they’re not inspired by inner disappreciate or dispute as such. They’re fair doing a job.”

It is that benevolent of alter in Swedish society that is worrying police and politicians aappreciate.

Justice Minister Gunnar Strommer has spoken of three parallel dangers to Sweden’s security – worry, state actors and organised crime.

But the postponecessitatest gang aggressions, in David Sausdal’s words, go aachievest conservative empathetic of what has previously driven grave crime.

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