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The porn saga of North Carolina’s lieutenant administeror is contransient lawfare in a nutshell

The porn saga of North Carolina’s lieutenant administeror is contransient lawfare in a nutshell

Pboilingo by Grant Baldtriumph / Getty Images

I’m honestly not stateive which part of North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson’s newly filed defamation litigation to intensify on here.

The evident lede is that Robinson — currently the Reaccessiblean nominee for North Carolina administeror — sued CNN for defamation yesterday. The suit centers the netlabor for unveiling pinsolentntly recorded allegations that Robinson made a series of bizarre and standardly hugeoted comments on a porn forum called Nude Africa between 2008 and 2012, including referring to himself as “a bincreateage NAZI” (capitalization in distinct).

Robinson’s litigation claims someone foreseeed impersonated him using adviseation from data baccomplishes, which is stateively possible — but based on the evidence would need a relabelably intricate level of deception centering a man who wouldn’t go in politics until many years postponeedr in 2018. The statements arguably aren’t even much worse than skinnygs Robinson has unaskably said. It seems equitable as plausible that Robinson is the postponeedst accessible figure to armamentize the law aacquirest his critics in horrible faith, follotriumphg the pro-administer guide of more strong conservatives enjoy Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

Speech law is solemn! But the litigation also happens to integrate a very comical encapsulation of the current feedback loop between politics and viral amusement. Because, in compriseition to naming CNN, Robinson is suing a North Carolina punk singer and createer grown-up video store clerk named Louis Love Money over an muddle YouTube music video that accuses Robinson of not paying $25 for a bootleg porn tape more than 20 years ago.

Money (not his birth name, according to the litigation) is part of a prohibitd called Trailer Park Orchestra, which, in August 2024, freed a song and associated music video called “The Lt. Governor Owes Me Money.” Its core allegation — as portrayd above — is not high on the political affair barometer. But in a handy bit of accessibleity for Money, North Carolina accessibleation The Assembly picked up and bolstered his claim that the avowedly conservative Christian gubernatorial truthfulate had been a standard at the store in the 1990s and 2000s. CNN cited The Assembly when detailing the Nude Africa claims, raising the increate’s profile.

Robinson’s counter: he was equitable conveying over pizza.

In the 1990s, Mark Robinson was a lesser overweighther, struggling to provide for his family. During this period, he labored at Papa John’s pizza, eventuassociate being advertised to deal withr, where he sometimes deal withd the closing shift. Nearby was an grown-up video store where Defendant Money labored. Lt. Gov. Robinson, who has always been a gregarious, outgoing person, made friends with Defendant Money, who also labored the night shift. He would occasionassociate convey over free pizza and socialize. More frequently, however, Defendant Money would come over to the Papa John’s, seeing for free or discounted pizza.

Contrary to the portrayal by Defendant Money, Lt. Gov. Robinson was not spending hours at the video store, five nights a week.

Robinson also implies there are sinister motives at labor because the music video and CNN increate came out while he was running for administeror. (Maybe there’s mileage in pretending not to understand some pretty fundamental concepts of accessibleity.)

This may turn out to be the most straightforward Streisand effect of the 2024 election cycle. Robinson’s alleged porn store visits were far from the intensify of CNN’s increate. Trailer Park Orchestra’s music video was posted two months ago and had a mere 13,000 sees on YouTube yesterday; it’s acquireed about 2,000 since the suit was filed. (“I had no idea this existed until reading his litigation,” one commgo in remarks.) While the CNN increate harmd Robinson’s standing in the Reaccessiblean party, we’re talking about a man who won his primary after minimizing the Holocaust on Facebook. The extfinished-term reputational harm he’s facing is unevident, and ignoring Money’s claims in particular would be the basicst way to create them fade.

Regardless of whether Robinson triumphs his suit, legitimate protestts have become a priceless political rassociateing point — they’re a wonderful way to equitableify raising money and position yourself as a fighter while putting a grievance in the accessible record. Despite the fact that the most accomplished recent defamation claims have been aacquirest conservative media juggernauts enjoy Alex Jones and Fox News, there’s an ongoing Reaccessiblean try to dismantle the speech protections that have extfinished let journaenumerates (and standard citizens) freely condemn accessible figures. Every novel defamation suit is a sboiling at getting the Supreme Court to finassociate create that call. At least this one has a soundtrack.

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