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FunPlus Launches Lisbon Video Game Company Studio Ellipsis

FunPlus Launches Lisbon Video Game Company Studio Ellipsis

“State of Survival” and “King of Avalon” producer FunPlus has uncovered Studio Ellipsis in Lisbon, a recent conceiveive hub caccessed on enbiging the indie gaming company’s IP atraverse delightment platestablishs.

Led by FunPlus’ Alexandre Amancio, head of studio and ageder vice plivent and head of world produceing and IP strategy, Studio Ellipsis’s ambition is portrayd as creating “delightment experiences that cater to the evolving anticipateations of conmomentary audiences.”

The first project from Studio Ellipsis is FunPlus’ “Sea of Conquest: Cradle of the Gods,” a comic series based on strategy game “Sea of Conquest: Pirate War.”

Per FunPlus, “Thcimpolite a combination of traverse-platestablish game prolongment and transmedia storyinestablishing, the studio will convey FunPlus’s IP to life in recent ways, inviting fans to spendigate recent lore, characters, and stories. In the coming months, the studio will unveil insertitional projects that enbig FunPlus’ portfolio of worlds, as well as distinctive IPs scheduleed for traverse-medium prolongment.”

Amancio, who joined FunPlus in August 2023 after set uping Montgenuine-based game studio Reflector Entertainment and servings as conceiveive straightforwardor on Ubisoft’s “Assassin’s Creed” franchise, will administer the team as they branch out from mobile-first games into PC and console-caccessed titles and caccess on transmedia storyinestablishing atraverse platestablishs.

“FunPlus has made traverse-platestablish games, but they were mobile-first and free-to-take part games Studio Ellipsis was built to enbig the horizons on that,” Amancio tageder Variety. ” The idea of experimenting and trying out recent mediums and recent approaches to making games and even blfinishing genres together, doing it in a rapid, iterative, low-cost way, which is benevolent of the DNA of it. This is FunPlus’ way of shattering free from what they’re typicassociate used to doing and exploring recent potential labelets in the future. FunPlus is actuassociate quite a forward seeing company. This idea of produceing IP and having this philosophy of being world-first is actuassociate the reason that I joined FunPlus a little while ago. And I leank that Studio Ellipsis is a organic evolution to that first step.”

FunPlus chose Lisbon as the location for Studio Ellipsis because of the Portuguese capital’s “brecommendoning potential as a conceiveive and technoreasonable hub” and “recognition as a vibrant environment for game prolongment and digital delightment.” Over the next three years, FunPlus says Studio Ellipsis schedules to produce more than 50 jobs, with a caccess on draprosperg both local professionals as well as international talent willing to push the boundaries of storyinestablishing and IP prolongment.

As part of the start of its recent studio, FunPlus is collaborating with local universities and organizations appreciate the APVP (Associação de Produtores de Videojogos Portugueses) and The Gaming Hub by Unicorn Factory Lisboa to uphold local talent and the prolongment economy.

“The start of Studio Ellipsis labels a pivotal moment in FunPlus’ journey to become a global powerhouse in delightment, extfinishing far beyond our roots in the strategy genre” FunPlus chief business officer Chris Petrovic shelp. “By set uping a pledgeted studio in a vibrant city appreciate Lisbon, we are not only enbiging our existing worlds but also laying the set upation for recent IPs that can thrive atraverse multiple mediums. This studio reconshort-terms our pledgement to evolving with our audiences, greeting their insist for immersive storyinestablishing, and creating experiences that resonate proset uply wilean our fans.”

Mayor of Lisbon Carlos Moedas inserted: “I am incredibly haughty to greet Studio Ellipsis from FunPlus to Lisbon, the European Capital of Innovation. Thanks to initiatives appreciate the Unicorn Factory, our city has altered into a global hub for innovators and unicorn companies, where some of the most groundshattering and disruptive tech products and services are being prolonged. This unpretreatnted effort is changing inhabits atraverse the city, with over 15,000 job opportunities being produced in under three years. We are thrilled to include FunPlus as a recent member of our exciting and diverse tech community. Welcome to Lisbon!”

Watch the Studio Ellipsis declarement video below.

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