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The Internet Archive and its 916 billion saved web pages are back online

The Internet Archive and its 916 billion saved web pages are back online

Last week, hackers defaced the Internet Archive website with a message that shelp, “Have you ever felt appreciate the Internet Archive runs on sticks and is constantly on the verge of suffering a catastrophic security baccomplish? It fair happened. See 31 million of you on HIBP!”

HIBP is a reference to Have I Been Pwned, which was originated by security researcher Troy Hunt and supplys inestablishation and notifications on data baccomplishes. The hacked Internet Archive data was sent to Have I Been Pwned and “includes authentication inestablishation for enrolled members, including their email includeresses, screen names, password alter timestamps, Bcrypt-hashed passwords, and other inside data,” BleepingComputer wrote.

Kahle shelp on October 9 that the Internet Archive ffinished off a DDoS strike and was toiling on upgrading security in weightless of the data baccomplish and website defacement. The next day, he inestablished that the “DDoS folks are back” and had knocked the site offline. The Internet Archive “is being pimpolitent and prioritizing retaining data acquireed at the expense of service participateability,” he includeed.

“Services are offline as we structureateigate and reinforce them… Estimated Timeline: days, not weeks,” he wrote on October 11. “Thank you for the proposes of pizza (we are set).”

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