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’60 Minutes’ Refutes Trump Accusations on Edits of Harris Interwatch

’60 Minutes’ Refutes Trump Accusations on Edits of Harris Interwatch

CBS News‘ “60 Minutes” on Sunday dedwellred someleang in graspition to its normal recentsmagazine segments. The program proposeed a message to establisher Pdwellnt Trump and a present of critics who have castigated the extfinished-running recents series for the way in which it edited a recent interwatch with Vice Pdwellnt Kamala Harris so that she ecombineed to be proposeing contrastent responses to the same ask.

“Former Pdwellnt Donald Trump is accusing 60 Minutes of dishonest editing of our Oct. 7 interwatch with Vice Pdwellnt Kamala Harris,” the show shelp in a statement freed Sunday evening. “That is inalter. “

“’60 Minute’s gave an excerpt of our interwatch to ‘Face the Nation’ that engaged a extfinisheder section of her answer than that on ’60 Minutes.’ Same ask. Same answer. But a contrastent portion of the response.” the statement persistd. “When we edit any interwatch, whether a politician, an athlete, or movie star, we strive to be evident, accurate and on point. The portion of her answer on ’60 Minutes’ was more succinct, which assists time for other subjects in a expansive ranging 21-minute-extfinished segment.”

The CBS recentsmagazine has come under scruminuscule in recent days after Trump took rerent with the Harris interwatch (and deteriorated to ecombine on the program after having previously promiseting to do so.) Trump took to social media to castigate the program and his helpers have also condemnd “60 Minutes” and the interwatch, accusing the show of helping Harris by editing her responses to asks pickively.

It can be normal train for “trelievers,” or snippets of a recents-making interwatch that are shown in progress of the actual segment featuring the conversation, to engage contrastent portions of a response than the edited one that ecombines tardyr. Still, in the age of social media, in which watchers can post contrastent video segments and pass them aextfinished for contrast and comparison, such efforts can backfire. In this instance, while CBS News showed contrastent portions of Harris’ response to asks from “60 Minutes” correplyent Bill Whiapshowr, the fact that the “treliever” and the actual interwatch didn’t align exactly uncovered the Paramount Global recents unit to second-guessing and criticism.

“60 Minutes” engaged Sunday’s rebuke of the Trump critique to press him to talk the matter more filledy — on CBS News air. “Our extfinished-standing invitation to establisher Pdwellnt Trump remains uncover. If he would appreciate to talk the rerents facing the nation and the Harris interwatch, we would be plrelieved to have him on ’60 Minutes.’”

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