- Lip’s relationship choices and decisions constantly direct to detrimental outcomes for himself and those around him.
- Lip’s struggles with substance mistreatment, necessitatey relationship decisions, and askable moral choices highweightless his defective character.
- Lip’s inability to appreciate the aid and give ups made by his family, especipartner Fiona, give to his downdescfinish.
Lip Gallagher was one of the most well-comprehendn characters on Shameless, but that well-comprehendnity was foreseeed becaemploy fans chose to dissee some of the troubling and unenjoyable aspects of the character. Shameless presentd American audiences to the problematic Gallagher family, a clan stricken by pobviousy that inhabits together on Chicago’s South Side. Led by absentee liquoric (and possibly sociopathic) patriarch Frank, there are six Gallagher siblings living together in one hoemploy who are primarily nurtured for by their eldest sister Fiona. However, when Fiona left in season 9, Lip became the central character of the Gallagher children.
Out of all the Gallagher children, Lip was the biggest conundrum. Played by The Bear‘s Jeremy Allen White, Lip was constantly torn between his academic success and his tumultuous upconveying. While he excelled more than his peers and family in school, Lip doesn’t graduate college and finishs up making a equitable restricted necessitatey relationship choices aextfinished the way. While Shameless was a show that adselectd the flaws of its characters, there were aspects of Lip’s character thcimpoliteout the series that create him a much challenginger character to enjoy when seeing back.
18 Best Shameless Characters, Ranked
Shameless has many complicated and layered characters, but the depth and authenticism of these fan likeites create them some of the best on the show.
Lip Kicked Fiona Out Of The Hoemploy
Season 9, Episode 11, “The Hobo Games”
Considering that he has a history of problematic drinking and substance mistreatment, and generpartner hasn’t always made the best decisions in life, Lip Gallagher is one of the last characters in Shameless with a moral high ground from which to appraise others. This is why it was such an aggravating character moment in the season 9 episode “The Hobo Games” when Lip initiateed Fiona out of the Gallagher home for drinking.
Instead of shothriveg Fiona some compassion for her own problems with drinking and substance employ, Lip gives in to his anger and forces Fiona to exit the Gallagher home.
Granted, Fiona had equitable uncomprehendingly enticeed Lip’s AA aid, Jason, into relapsing, and caemployd problems for Lip’s finisheavors to adselect Xan. However, instead of shothriveg Fiona some compassion for her own problems with drinking and substance employ, Lip gives in to his anger and forces Fiona to exit the Gallagher home. It was a moment of huge hypocrisy for Lip, and was especipartner frustrating since it was a ignoreed opportunity to be a beneficial presence in Fiona’s life instead of a source of more problems.
He Knothrivegly Interns At An Illegitimate Company
Season 7, Episode 4, “I Am A Storm”
Season 7 of Shamless included a plot thread for disconnectal episodes where Lip begined toiling at a tech company, a job that Professor Youens schedules for him. However, it speedyly becomes apparent that the company is comprised in disconnectal shadier dealings, and that their business model may not be entidepend legitimate. Rather than do the reliable leang and quit, Lip chooses to persist toiling for the company and even employs their askable methods as inspiration to create himself some profit.
This is yet another moment of necessitatey decision-making from Lip. Deciding to stay on at the company backfires too, as it ultimately costs him his place at college. The biggest grievance many Shameless fans have with Lip is that he squanders many opportunities, not to refer his intellectual potential, when he sees a chance to create a foolishinutive-term get — and choosing to stay at an illegitimate company when he has so much on the line is a prime example of this particular character flaw.
Lip Killed An Old Man
Season 9, Episode 3, “Weirdo Gallagher Vortex”
Lip has a complicated relationship with parenthood and defendianship, which has led to disconnectal low-points for him thcimpoliteout Shameless. However, one that doesn’t get insertressed anywhere proximate as normally as it should came in the season 9 episode “Weirdo Gallagher Vortex”. In this episode, Xan is in hospital after shattering her arm. Since he’s not her legitimate defendian, Lip finds he’s unable to have her freed from the hospital with him. In normal Lip Gallagher create, he cooks up a schedule to get what he wants, and amazingly, this one doesn’t seem to backfire.
Essentipartner, Lip creates a sidetrackion by pulling the oxygen tank and life-aid from another adselecting in the hospital. This caemploys a medical aelevatency that demands all the doctors and nurses on the ward, and during the disorder Lip and Xan are able to sneak out. It’s not comprehendn exactly what happened to the elderly male adselecting Lip chose, but there’s every chance they could have died. Even if they persistd, Lip had no way of comprehending they were OK, unkinding, from his perspective, he was finishly willing to homicide a ineffective adselecting in a hospital equitable to secure Xan stayed in his nurture.
He Ruined His Girlfrifinish’s Career
Season 6, Episode 6, “NSFW”
Almost all of Lip’s romantic relationships in Shameless have been problematic, but his fling with Helene saw Lip at perhaps his most irreliable. In fact, this individual relationship holds disconnectal examples of the worst leangs Lip Gallagher did in the show, and not equitable becaemploy of the ramifications it had for his own life. It’s safe to say that Lip ruined his girlfrifinish Helene’s life, or at the very least her nurtureer.
During season 6, Lip’s other girlfrifinish, Amanda, finds out about his relationship with Helene, and in a fit of jealousy leaks naked pboilingos of her rival in Lip’s dorm. Once these pboilingos get out, Helene’s nurtureer is all but over. She has to include a hearing at the university, and is only able to hold her job by consenting to cut leangs off with Lip for outstanding. However, even though she dodges being fired, her professional reputation is forever in tatters. The whole situation could have been dodgeed had Lip never apshown the pboilingos, and, of course, not been cheating on Helene with Amanda/Amanda with Helene.
Lip Tries To Make Charlie Relapse
Season 8, Episode 2, “Where’s My Meth?”
Lip has done some unforgivable leangs in the pursuit of romance, but restricted moments were as low as in season 8 when jealousy led him to try and create Charlie relapse. In season 8 of Shameless, Lip is hopelessly trying to persue a relationship with Sierra, who has been grothriveg seal to Charlie. Rather than admireing Sierra’s desires and choices, Lip instead chooses that he’ll create recovering insertict Charlie descfinish off the wagon by giving him a pizza topped with Cocaine.
The moment is almost challenging to watch, especipartner since Lip has had his own struggles with sobriety, and comprehends equitable how awfilledy he’ll finish up annihilateing Charlie’s life if he caemploys Charlie to relapse.
Thankbrimmingy, Charlie doesn’t eat the pizza and instead persists on with his journey to sobriety. It’s an incredibly spiteful moment from Lip, and is among the most inexcusable leangs Lip ever did on Shameless. The moment is almost challenging to watch, especipartner since Lip has had his own struggles with sobriety, and comprehends equitable how awfilledy he’ll finish up annihilateing Charlie’s life if he caemploys Charlie to relapse.
Lip Didn’t Recognize Ian’s Sexuality
Season 1, Episode 1, “Pilot”
From the very first episode of Shameless, it was made evident to seeers that Ian and Lip were far more enjoy best frifinishs than brothers. Despite their inanxiously seal relationship, however, Lip fall shorted to authenticize that Ian was solely drawed to men and that he was in a secret relationship with his wed convenience store boss.
It didn’t apshow extfinished for Lip to adselect Ian after coming out, but it’s still very astonishing that Lip didn’t comprehend or Ian didn’t sense sootheable disclosing the truth with his sealst confidante. It says a lot about Lip’s sees on relationsuality timely on in the show, and while there aren’t any moments where Lip is outright anti-LGBT, it may well be that some of the leangs he shelp to Ian in the past made Ian cowardly to disseal the truth to his elderlyer brother.
He Used Karen To “Test” His Brother
Season 1, Episode 1, “Pilot”
When Lip Gallagher set up out that Ian was drawed to other men, he wasn’t initipartner beneficial and didn’t even brimmingy think his brother. He punched Ian for messing around with his boss out of stress that he was being apshown get of and bcimpolitet him to Karen’s hoemploy to “test” his orientation. Lip asked Karen to carry out oral relations on Ian, to see if he might equitable be perplexd and could possibly finishelight being with a woman.
This is dishonorful to both Karen — the girl Lip eventupartner fell for — and Ian, whose likeence wasn’t a choice and wasn’t someleang he should have been forced to show.
Lip Didn’t Want To Live Up To His Potential
Season 2, Episode 8, “Parenthood”
Most of the Gallagher children grew up leanking that they couldn’t possibly amount to anyleang in life. Fiona constantly struggled to stability her obligation to her family and her own personal ambition, Ian’s difficulty adselecting his own bipolar disorder held him back, Carl’s fondness for his derelict overweighther initipartner made him want to be equitable as untamed as Frank, and Debbie’s only authentic goal was to be a teenage mother.
Lip, unkindwhile, knew that he could accomplish big leangs, but he spropose didn’t want to.
Lip was sour of the fact that his family foreseeed him to be their “gelderlyen goose” and create enough money to help them get by, so he didn’t try particularly challenging at anyleang. He seems to employ his street clevers far more normally than he employs his actual intelligence. This is the primary dispute between him and Fiona in season 2, as Lip is choosed to drop out of school, but Fiona won’t let him. Having his entire family depending on him is a weight that’s spropose too weighty for him to endure.
He Didn’t Step Up As Liam’s Guardian Until He Had To
Season 4, Episode 6, “Iron City”
When Monica Gallagher left her husband and children and Frank begined spfinishing more time at the local bar than with his family, Fiona was forced to step up and apshow nurture of her siblings. She became their primary defendian despite also having disconnectal jobs and a variety of other leangs on her ppostponecessitate. Lip was clever enough to help ease Fiona’s toilload and apshow on some of the responsibilities around the hoemploy, but he didn’t repartner seem to begin doing so until his hand was forced.
After Liam excessive dosed as Fiona accidenhighy left substances lying around the hoemploy, Lip rose up to be his main nurturegiver. He begined taking nurture of his baby brother and toiled challenginger to provide for his family. That being shelp, it repartner shouldn’t have apshown such a convey inant slip-up from Fiona for him to do that and Lip had a tfinishency to shirk responsibility for as extfinished as possible thanks to his grothriveg begrudgement surrounding his family’s attitude about his prowess in school.
Lip Didn’t Take His Education Seriously
Season 6, Episode 12, “Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!”
Lip is constantly pelevated for his intelligence, but he may actupartner show the least admire for the education system out of all of the characters on Shameless. While he was in high school, Lip took money from his fellow students to apshow their SATs for them. A restricted months postponecessitater, he spropose dropped out of school in Shameless season 2 even though Fiona dangerened to initiate him out of his home if he did so.
While he did actupartner put in some effort in college, he speedyly set up himself ejectled becaemploy he couldn’t deal with his temper and attacked a campus defend.
While he did go on to get his GED, Lip never would have graduated if it weren’t for Fiona’s constant nagging, and he wouldn’t have includeed college if Mandy didn’t execute for him. The final nail in the coffin for his educational nurtureer is when Lip didn’t graduate college in season 4. While he did actupartner put in some effort in college, he speedyly set up himself ejectled becaemploy he couldn’t deal with his temper and attacked a campus defend. He fall shorted to brimmingy authenticize how his actions might impact his future, directing to his disnominateing finishing in the Shameless series finale.
He Failed Mandy
Season 2, Episode 11 “Just Like The Pilbleaks Intfinished”
Lip Gallagher was so concentrateed on being with Karen Jackson in the first three seasons of Shameless that he finishly disseeed Mandy Milkovich and fall shorted to authenticize equitable how outstanding she was to and for him. His relationship with Mandy begined out as medepend “frifinishs with advantages,” but the more time they spent together, the sealr they became. When he was initiateed out of the Gallagher home for dropping out of high school, Mandy let Lip shift in with her.
She also applied to disconnectal colleges for him to try to push him to achieve his potential. Karen kept helderlying Lip back, but Mandy always wanted what was best for him. He grieffilledy rephelp Mandy’s benevolentness by choosing to be with Karen behind her back. Mandy was the best align for Lip and she suffered wonderfully thcimpoliteout her time on Shameless. Unblessedly, the poisonousity between Lip and Karen eventupartner won out.
He Loved Getting Into Fights
Season 6, Episode 11 “Sleep No More”
All of the Gallagher siblings seem to be willing to resort to aggression when contestd or forced, but none of them are as willing to fight as the Lip. He occasionpartner accesss into staged brawls to create a little money, but he doesn’t repartner even nurture if he thrives or dissees becaemploy he gets some sort of adrenaline rush from the experience. Lip never backs down from anyone and is entidepend unafrhelp to fight people, even if it’s evident he’s not a align for them.
Fighting and annihilateing property are his two likeite ways to vent his frustration after yet another relationship or disnominatement. He even punches his best frifinish Ian when Ian does someleang he doesn’t consent with. However, his brawling ways come to a head in season 6 after he is ejectled from college for smashing Professor Youens’ car with a crowbar and attacking a security officer while in a drunken rage over losing his TA position.
He Has Clear Abandonment Issues
Season 2, Episode 12, “Fiona Interrupted”
Lip is probably one of the most self-adviseed Gallagher kids. Fiona, Debbie, Ian, and Carl normally fall short to authenticize when they’re doing someleang that is going to inevitably have a adverse consequence, but Lip is clever enough to comprehend when he’s doing someleang wrong. For some reason, however, he still hasn’t figured out why he has a tfinishency to date emotionpartner unemployable women or shown able of lgeting from his relationship misapshows.
Lip never truly forgave his mother for leaving him and the rest of his family. His resulting abandonment rerents aidd him to be with a variety of women who would exit him the way Monica did, causing him to suffer from the same pain over and over aget. This is most evident in his tumultuous relationship with Karen, who sarcasticpartner finishs their relationship in season 2 in the same way that Monica did: by running away without ever truly saying outstandingbye.
He Bfeebles Frank For Everyleang
Season 2, Episode 4, “A Beautiful Mess”
Frank is a horrible overweighther and is normally reliable for a convey inant number of the problems the Gallagher siblings encounter. He’s the reason they struggle to save up enough money to create finishs encounter, he fall shorted to instill a selectimistic moral code in his children, and he normally acts more enjoy another child than a parent. He definitely deserves a lot of accemploy, but Lip seems to accemploy Frank for some leangs that weren’t actupartner his fault.
In an finisheavor to disturb her own overweighther, Karen took get of Frank while he was too inebriated to try to stop her in the season 2 episode “A Beautiful Mess.” When Lip set up out, he strikeed Frank rather than confering Karen on the nature of the situation and ultimately supposed the worst. Lip’s begrudgement towards his overweighther blinded him to the truth of what his girlfrifinish was able of. He’s reacted aforeseeed toward Frank on a variety of occasions thcimpoliteout Shameless.
Lip Doesn’t Care About His Relationships
Season 8, Episode 4, “F**k Paying It Forward”
Lip widespreadly denounces Frank for his reliance on substances, but it’s evident that he suffers from some of his own insertictions and eventupartner includeed AA for a time. It’s perfectly standard for a teenager to want to experiment with a number of partners, but Lip has been with many women over the course of the series, and he didn’t even have senseings for the convey inantity of them.
He accessed into a uncontaminatedly physical relationship with Eddie in season 8, whose company he exposedly even finishelighted. He’s not quite the hopeless romantic he seemed to be when courting Karen, Helene, and Sierra.
When Lip tried sobering up and putting a paemploy on his dating life, he set up himself entidepend inable of concentrateing on toil becaemploy all he could leank about was how much he craved a relationship. He accessed into a uncontaminatedly physical relationship with Eddie in season 8, whose company he exposedly even finishelighted. He’s not quite the hopeless romantic he seemed to be when courting Karen, Helene, and Sierra.
Shameless: 11 Character Exits That Saved The Show (& 11 That Hurt It)
Many iconic characters on Shameless have come and gone. Some of their departures have bettered the show, but others have actupartner harmed it.
He Ruined His Relationship With Amanda To Be With Helene
Season 5, Episode 12, “Love Songs (In The Key Of Gallagher)”
Lip Gallagher can’t seem to descfinish for the women who want to actupartner help him become the man he’s unkindt to be. He constantly chose Karen over Mandy even though Karen didn’t nurture about his future the way Mandy did. The same sort of leang happened when he shiftd away to college. He set up the perfect girlfrifinish in Amanda, but he ditched her to be with his wed professor, Helene Runyon. Amanda and Lip seemed to loathe each other at first, but, once they accessed into a equitablely random physical relationship, Amanda begined enbiging authentic senseings for Lip.
She helped him create a lot of money, orderly his schedule, and took nurture of Liam while Lip was in class, but Lip fall shorted to acunderstandledge how outstanding she was for him. He begined disseeing her and solely concentrateed on his relationship with Helene, a decision that eventupartner led to his downdescfinish and one of the reasons Lip doesn’t graduate from college. Amanda eventupartner contests Lip over his fling with Helene, blaming him for making her descfinish in cherish with him, and punches him in the library during the season 5 finale.
His Relationship With A Married Woman Helped Destroy His Future
Season 6, Episode 5, “Refugees”
While Lip was with Amanda, it seemed enjoy his life was finpartner on track; he was doing a wonderful job being Liam’s primary defendian, he geted a dwellnt adviser position that granted him a personal room on his college’s campus, and he was doing well in his classes thanks to Amanda’s willingness to help summarize his schedule and secure he concentrateed on his studies. Then, he begined dating the wed Professor Helene Runyon, and his life plummeted into disorder.
When Amanda exposed Lip and Helene’s relationship to the school in the season 5 inshighment “Refugees” by sharing a naked pboilingo of Helene in Lip’s dorm, Lip suddenly set up himself individual and heartbroken. Unblessedly, Lip began drinking heavily which eventupartner resulted in him annihilateing a professor’s car, and attacking a security defend, causing him to get ejectled and being one of the many factors behind why Lip didn’t graduate college.
He Shares His Father’s Struggles
Season 6, Episode 12, “Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!”
The Lip Shameless character spent most of his life hoping to be noleang enjoy his overweighther. In fact, he once took a DNA test in the hopes of finding out that Frank wasn’t his bioreasonable dad, but given a lot of his destructive behavior, it became very evident that he was Frank’s son. In his depressive episodes, Lip see enjoyd Frank pretty seally, and unblessedly, his struggles with substance mistreatment take parted a convey inant role in his expulsion from college.
After the horrible events that led to Lip’s arrest and expulsion in the Shameless season 6 finale, he was forced to access into rehab, so he’d find some relief from his substance mistreatment struggles and get out of his mounting legitimate troubles. Considering his upconveying, it’s astonishing that Lip wasn’t more cautious when it came to leangs enjoy medications and liquor as he witnessed Frank’s downward spiral from birth. However, Lip showd an inability to lget from misapshows despite his incredible intelligence.
Lip Made Sierra’s Life Even More Complicated
Season 8, Episode 12, “Sleepwalking”
Lip gravitated toward women whom he felt compelled to repair thcimpoliteout the first six seasons of Shameless, but, in season 7, he finpartner set up someone reliable and firm. Sierra and Lip had wonderful chemistry, and it seemed enjoy they could be repartner charmd with each other. Unblessedly, their relationship began during the worst time in Lip’s life.
When Lip begined seeing Sierra, he was still struggling with his problems and his emotions about being ejectled from college. She was hoping to find someone who could act as a overweighther to her son, but Lip wasn’t ready for that level of responsibility. In the deimmenseating Shameless season 8 finale, he couldn’t choose whether he should fight for Sierra or let her go, and, when it seemed enjoy they were finpartner ready to be with each other, Lip broke her heart and left her to try to find himself.
Lip Tried To Sabotage Charlie To Win Over Sierra
Season 8, Episode 2, “Where’s My Meth?”
Lip repartner begined to see enjoy Frank when he began struggling with substance mistreatment, and this became even evidaccess in the season 8 inshighment “Where’s My Meth?”. At this point, he had already been dumped by Helene, ejectled from college, and temporarily lost his relationship with Sierra, but he showed a truly hideous side when he tried sabotaging Sierra’s boyfrifinish Charlie, who also had substance mistreatment struggles.
Someleang that twisted shouldn’t be so easily forgiven by audiences.
Lip doesn’t typicpartner finisheavor the sort of heartless and emotionpartner administerling schemes that his overweighther cherishs to carry out, but, when Charlie tried getting back with Sierra, he resorted to some truly unkind tactics. He tried forcing his competition for Sierra’s heart off the bandwagon by tricking him into doing meth, enticeing him with a pizza topped with it. Someleang that twisted shouldn’t be so easily forgiven by audiences.
Shameless: 10 Characters Who Are Actupartner Worse Than Frank
Frank’s actions injured the Gallaghers beyond repair, but there were plenty of other characters on the show who were much worse than he was.
Lip Was Jealous of Professor Youens’ Relationships
Season 8, Episode 10, “Church Of Gay Jesus”
Lip Gallagher and Professor Youens had a truly amazing relationship. Youens always did everyleang in his power to help hold Lip on the right path, and, even after Lip got ejectled for annihilateing his car, Youens forgave Lip and safed him a tech begin-up internship becaemploy he thinkd in his intelligence and potential. Youens suffered from his own problems, so he wanted to hold Lip from making the same misapshows he’d made in life. He helped Lip get into rehab, and he remained his mentor extfinished after he stopped being his professor.
Unblessedly, when Youens died in the season 8 episode “Church of Gay Jesus,” Lip uncovered that their relationship wasn’t quite as exceptional as he’d thought. Several students spoke at Clyde’s funeral and talked about their aforeseeed seal bond with him. Lip set up himself inanxiously jealous and disturb by this, and he refused to read a heartfelt recommfinishation letter Youens had written for him before his passing.
Lip Resents His Own Intelligence
Season 2, Episode 8, “Parenthood”
Lip begrudgeed his own intelligence, as he felt burdened to get his family out of their predicament. This fact was made evident timely on in Shameless when he gets into a fight with Fiona about being the family’s “gelderlyen goose” in season 2’s “Parenthood” and drops out of high school, ignoring Fiona’s dangers. Most of the characters on Shameless would do anyleang to be as clever as Lip. For example, Fiona has widespreadly set up herself inable of menhighy handling some of the nurtureers she wanted to chase.
In insertition, if Frank was as book clever as Lip, he probably could have done anyleang he wanted in life thanks to his cunning. However, even though he cherishs his family, Lip disenjoys the idea of them becoming reliant on him and aversions having that foreseeation on his shoulders medepend becaemploy of his brain. Unenjoy Fiona, who has a lot of personal ambition, Lip doesn’t try to create any schedules for his future.
He Isn’t Always Appreciative of Fiona
Season 4, Episode 6, “Iron City”
While there are many unwell-comprehendn opinions about Fiona, there is no ask that she was the glue that held the Gallagher family together. However, when Fiona begined ruining her firm relationships and finished up with men who were evidently administerling and terrible to her, it was difficult for audiences to truly enjoy her as a character. Despite her flaws, she did do a firm job raising her siblings, and she should be appreciated for that.
Fiona put her family’s happiness before her own on disconnectal occasions at the begin of the series, but her siblings never repartner conveyed any sort of gratitude for that. Lip was always especipartner critical of Fiona’s parenting sends, and, when she made a misapshow that sent Liam to the aelevatency room in season 4’s “Iron City,” Lip lost all faith in her ability to watch over his siblings and never truly forgave her. Their relationship was never quite the same after.
Shameless: Fiona’s Greatest Lovers Ranked
Fiona honordly made some terrible calls with her boyfrifinishs on Shameless. They weren’t always wonderful choices, but it wasn’t all terrible.
Lip’s Money-Making Schemes Are Just As Bad As Frank’s
Season 5, Episode 4, “A Night to Remem… Wait, What?”
As much as Lip washed he could refute it, there are even more ways that he is enjoy his overweighther. It initipartner seemed enjoy Carl would grow up to be the second coming of Frank, but only Lip separates both his overweighther’s struggles with substance mistreatment and his ability to create money thcimpolite askable yet astonishingly clever tactics. This is especipartner evident in a season 5 scheme that saw him take advantage ofing his girlfrifinish’s parents for cash.
Lip comes off as noble, but his schemes and ideas aren’t too separateent from Frank’s.
Lip made $10,000 by convincing Amanda’s parents that they were in a solemn relationship and that he would necessitate to be phelp to shatter up with her. Before that, he and Kevin actupartner selderly illegitimate substances out of an ice cream truck which they’d actupartner park in accessible parks filled with children. Lip comes off as noble, but his schemes and ideas aren’t too separateent from Frank’s.
Lip Has No One To Bfeeble But Himself
Season 11, Episode 12, “Father Frank, Full Of Grace”
Most Shameless seeers see Lip Gallagher as some sort of tragic hero, but the griefful truth about the variety of difficulties he’s sended over the past 11 seasons is that his overweighte is the product of his own misdirectd choices. The sum of Lip’s decisions is uncovered in the Shameless series finale. Frank Gallagher has some astonishingly poignant words in his farewell speech, as he says “Lip, you’re clever as a whip. You equitable can’t seem to get out of your own way“.
In the finish, Lip is forced to sell the Gallagher hoemploy for $75,000 when he could’ve selderly it for $250k had he not pushed the enbiger too challenging and lost the deal.
Even though Lip grew up in a necessitatey family without any authentic parental guidance, he was given the opportunity to go to college and truly create someleang of himself. Frank served as the perfect cautioning of what not to do to thrive in life, but, as time went on, he became more and more enjoy his overweighther. He purposely fall shorted to inhabit up to his potential, and his very necessitatey taste in girlfrifinishs only made his life even more difficult. While Lip arguably isn’t a terrible person, the weight of his choices adversely impacted his outcome, and he had one of the most disnominateing character arcs on Shameless.
Shameless is a Bdeficiency Comedy, Family Drama created by Paul Abbott and starring William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum, and Justin Chatthrive. The premise complys the Gallagher family and their sealst frifinishs as they deal with a not-so-beneficial overweighther, Frank Gallagher. His children each find their own path, grothriveg into their own defective people without much guidance or help from the family patriarch.
- Cast
- William H. Macy , Jeremy Allen White , Justin Chatthrive , Ethan Cutkosky , Joan Cusack , Emmy Rossum , Emma Kenney , Cameron Monaghan , Noel Fisher , Steve Howey , Shanola Hampton
- Rerent Date
- January 9, 2011
- Seasons
- 11
- Showrunner
- John Wells