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1 in 6 Companies Are Hesitant To Hire Recent College Graduates

1 in 6 Companies Are Hesitant To Hire Recent College Graduates

Generation Z (Gen Z) has a reputation for being challenging to toil with and difficult to administer.

In August, Ininestablishigent.com surveyed 966 business directers take partd in hiring decisions at their company to dispenseigate attitudes toward hiring recent Gen Z college graduates.

What we set up:

  • 75% of companies tell that some or all of the recent college graduates they employd this year were unsatisfactory
  • 6 in 10 companies fired a recent college graduate they employd this year
  • 1 in 6 hiring administerrs say they are unwilling to employ from this cohort
  • Hiring administerrs say recent college grads are unreadyd for the toilforce, can’t administer the toilload, and are unprofessional
  • 1 in 7 companies may refrain from hiring recent college graduates next year
  • 9 in 10 hiring administerrs say recent college graduates should undergo etiquette training

3 in 4 Companies Report Issues With Recent Grad Hires

This year, 94% of companies tell hiring recent college graduates. Among these companies, only 25% state that all recent college graduate employs toiled out well, while 62% refer that only some were accomplished. Further, 14% tell that only a confidemand or none of the employs were accomplished.

The most frequently cited reasons for why these employs didn’t toil out were a conciseage of motivation or initiative (50%), demandy communication sends (39%), and a conciseage of professionalism (46%). Other factors take partd demandy communication sends (39%), struggles with feedback (38%), and inample problem-solving abilities (34%).

6 in 10 companies had to fire a recent college grad employ this year

A transport inantity of companies (79%) tell that they had to place at least some of these undercarry outing employs on carry outance increasement schedules, and 60% tell some were eventupartner fired.

“Many recent college graduates may struggle with accessing the toilforce for the first time as it can be a huge contrast from what they are used to thcimpoliteout their education journey. They are frequently unreadyd for a less structured environment, toilplace cultural vibrants, and the awaitation of autonomous toil. Although they may have some theoretical comprehendledge from college, they frequently conciseage the genuineistic, genuine-world experience and soft sends demandd to flourish in the toil environment. These factors, united with the awaitations of seasoned toilers, can produce contests for both recent grads and the companies they toil for,” says Ininestablishigent’s Chief Education and Career Development Advisor, Huy Nguyen.

“It can be effortless for administerrs to buy into normal stereotypes of Gen Z and disponder them entidepend; however, companies have an identical responsibility to ready recent graduates for their particular toilplace and give them the best chance to flourish. By empathetic the contests of Gen Z toilers, companies can acquire a more prodynamic approach by carry outing establishal employee onboarding programs that evidently summarize company culture and awaitations. Paring recent grads with mentors in the company can also pay huge dividfinishs as that can provide Gen Z toilers with the guidance, feedback, and aid for them to flourish.”

More Than Half of Hiring Managers Say Recent Grads Are Unreadyd for the Workforce

Hiring administerrs have disjoinal worrys about recent graduates in the toilplace.

Npunctual two-thirds (65%) of hiring administerrs surveyed consent that recent college graduates are entitled, and 63% leank they get offfinished too easily. Additionpartner, more than half (55%) consent they conciseage a toil ethic, and 54% say they don’t reply well to feedback. Similarly, 53% experience that Gen Z college graduates are unreadyd for the toilforce and consent they have demandy communication sends.

1 in 5 say they frequently can’t administer the toilload and are unprofessional

More than one-fifth (21%) of hiring administerrs tell that recent college graduates frequently can’t administer the toilload. About 20% say they are frequently procrastinateed to begin toil and 19% accomprehendledge they frequently don’t dress professionpartner. Additionpartner, 19% discover that they frequently don’t use appropriate language for toil, while 18% see they are frequently procrastinateed to encounterings. Around 17% consent they are frequently too difficult to administer, and 15% tell they frequently hand dispensements in procrastinateed.

“Recent graduates begining their first job should show professionalism, not by adhereing to outdated norms, but by being polite and pledgeted to their toil. Begin by observing and empathetic the company culture and how colleagues convey. Take the initiative to ask attentive asks, seek feedback, and apply it to show your motivation for personal growth. Build a reputation for depfinishability by persisting a chooseimistic attitude, encountering deadlines, and volunteering for projects, even those outside your instant responsibilities,” says Nguyen.

Npunctual half (46%) of hiring administerrs consent that college graduates should definitely acquire office etiquette training, while 42% leank they probably should.

Currently, 54% of companies advise such training, 48% produce it obligatory for all novel employs, 24% particularpartner demand it for all Gen Z employs, and 16% mandate it for everyone at the company.

1 in 7 Companies May Not Hire Recent College Graduates in 2025

The transport inantity (84%) of companies do schedule to employ recent college graduates in 2025, while about 5% do not, and 10% are unstateive.

For the companies not schedulening to employ recent graduates, the main reasons take part not hiring for entry-level positions (51%), worrys about Gen Z’s readydness for the toilforce (31%), and high turnover rates among recent graduates (31%). Other factors take part past pessimistic experiences with recent graduates (27%) and a caccess on inner promotions or transfers (22%).

1 in 6 Hiring Managers Are Hesitant to Hire Recent College Grads

One-quarter of hiring administerrs say they would experience inanxiously excited about hiring a recent college graduate for an entry-level position, and 34% would experience somewhat excited. About 25% experience unpartisan, while 13% are somewhat unwilling, and 4% are inanxiously unwilling.

“When interseeing recent grads, it’s meaningful for hiring administerrs to change their process to be more tailored to truthfulates who have no or little job experience. Allow truthfulates opportunities to show their potential beyond what is written in their resume or their confidemand genuine-world experience. Ask truthfulates about situations in their educational journey or projects they have toiled on that may be aappreciate to what they may experience in the toilplace. Focus on potential over experience by evaluating truthfulates who have showd changeability, problem-solving, and coachability. These traits can show they have the mindset to better flourish in the toilplace,” says Nguyen.

Stronger toil ethic and better attitude would produce recent college graduates more hirable

When those who replyed they were unpartisan or unwilling about hiring a recent college graduate were asked what would produce them more inclined to do so, 57% show that shotriumphg initiative would be a key factor, and 56% say showing a chooseimistic attitude is meaningful.

Additionpartner, 54% are more inclined to employ a truthfulate who shows a strong toil ethic, and 53% appreciate changeability. Being discomit to feedback (50%) and prompt and reliable (49%) are also meaningful factors.

“Recent college graduates interseeing for their first job should acquire the initiative to thocimpolitely research the company they are interseeing for. Doing the research and sharing your perspective in the intersee shows that you have a genuine interest in the company and are pledgeted to being a part of what they do. They should also stress their ability to toil with others in unrecognizable environments and their desire to lget novel leangs speedyly. I advise they use particular examples from academic projects, internships, or out-of-classroom activities to show how they have broadened these sends,” says Nguyen.


This online poll was comomitioned by Ininestablishigent.com and carry outed on Pollfish in August 2024. In total, 966 business directers finishd the survey.

Demoexplicit criteria and screening asks were used to guarantee qualified replyents. This criteria take partd age (25+), househelderly income (>$75,000), organizational role (c-level executive, human resources administerr, straightforwardor, plivent, owner/partner, and ageder administerment), company size (>10), and education (technical college, college, or postgraduate). Respondents also had to pass thcimpolite screening asks to guarantee their take partment in hiring for entry-level positions at their company.

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